Best Moving Tips When You’re Under The Wire

The ideal move takes place with plenty of notice, giving you ample time to get organized and slowly pack your belongings. Unfortunately, life doesn't always work that way, and many moves take place at the last minute with insufficient time to get truly organized. Don't panic just yet- with these tips your last-minute move will be a cinch.

Hire Residential Movers

Hiring professional movers always makes moving much easier, but it's really non-negotiable when you're moving at the last minute. Professional movers will quickly and efficiently get your belongings moved onto the moving truck and unloaded at your new house before you even have time to worry.

Your belongings will be insured, and professional movers know how to safely handle even the most fragile items. This is especially important because trying to move your own stuff when you are already stressed due to a last-minute move inevitably leads to broken or lost belongings. Full-service moving companies will even pack your belongings for you, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of moving, like saying goodbye to neighbors and friends.

Set Aside Must-Have Items

The items you will need as soon as you move into your new home should be set aside and packed in an easy to grab tote bag or storage tub that will stay with you during the move. On the evening of your last minute move, chances are you will be feeling a bit frazzled, so the last thing you need is to sort through boxes looking for your pajamas, toothbrush, or laptop. Have separate grab and go bags for each member of your family as well so everyone has the items they need the night of the move. Unpacking can wait until the next day, after a night's sleep.

Go Label-Crazy

As you sort and pack your belongings, aim to only pack items together if they are going to the same room in the new home. This means you can slap a large packing label on each of your full boxes with the name of the destination room. Make sure the movers know the boxes are labeled by room.When you and all your belongings are in the new home, the boxes will all be in their correct rooms and unpacking will be a breeze. 

Moving from one home to another at the last minute is always stressful, but these under the wire moving tips will ensure your move goes as seamlessly as possible. For more information, contact your local full service residential movers.
